
(Slow smooth rhythm)
1. Malignancy, eating away, at the surface of the earth,
Eating away eating away (X2), For all it's wo-rth.
2. Six billion mouths, wide open, with ravenous appetite,
Wide open wide open (X2), Tasty deli-ght.
Chorus 1:
The earths a finite mass in space
A wondrous variety of form in balance
Water and air, minerals and life
Bone and flesh, wood and leaf.
3. Consumerism, gone crazy, without thought of restraint,
Gone crazy gone crazy (X2), controls there ain't.
4. In the market, growth rules, for the short term wealth,
Growth rules growth rules (X2), mortgage earths hea-lth.
Chorus 2:
Populations are growing out of control
the signs are clear we're on the dole
Too many people demanding too much
Sustainability is a must.
5. Need and desires, use up, our finite resources,
Use up use up (X2), minerals life sour-ces.
6. We think that we're, so clever, in vitro fertilisation,
So clever so clever (X2), cause mass extin-ction.
Chorus 1:
7. It's time to, face it, we must stop growth,
Face it face it (X2), there's a future I ho-pe.
8. Management, for a future, in harmony with nature,
For a future for a future (X2), stand Green warr-ior.
Chorus 2:
The solution is sustainable economics and
population, production and consumption.