Cartoon - August 2009
The Green Sower says:
You humans have over-populated the planet, and your ravenous appetite for natural resources is destroying everything. If you don't see the warning signs and slow down you will destroy yourselves. You should put the brakes on now. Unfortunately i don't think you will. Everything will simply run out and nature will force you to stop.
Cartoon - July 2009
The Green Sower says:
Your cars dominate the environment, polluting your air and leaving you with little room to live. Your public transport system is so bad that nobody wants to use it. You need to create a public transport system that is so good and so irresistible everyone will want to use it and won’t be forced into owning cars.
Cartoon - June 2009
The Green Sower says:
Business people, the Media and politicians are so obsessed by economic growth - and they neglect the environment. They extract increasing levels of resources and expect the planet to absorb increasing levels of waste. They want people to reproduce more but forget the Earth is finite. It can't grow bigger with increased demand. They are always getting people to consume more and can't stand to see them idle. People put a lot of pressure on the planet. It is time to contract to a sustainable levels.
Cartoon - May 2009
The Green Sower says:
Humans - you are clever! But you are not clever enough to see that your cleverness is a big problem. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. You have created massive cities. Urban sprawl is killing everything. Concrete has replaced forests and wetlands, smog has replaced clean air, traffic noise has replaced peace. As cities grow, ecosystems are lost. These are the systems that sustain life and you. Reduce the size of your cities, and integrate nature into their design.
Cartoon - April 2009
The Green Sower says:
Sometimes the poor will be able to fill the place that is left when the rich are driven from their homes by climate change and coastal erosion - but the poor will suffer the most. The rich will be able to move to a new location. Both rich and the poor are the losers on a degraded planet.
Cartoon - March 2009
The Green Sower says:
You think you are saving the planet but you are destroying it. Who are you kidding? You waste paper with unnecessary printing, and waste energy when you leave your computers on all day and night. You are making mountains of E-waste. You want the latest computer so throw away the old one and its toxic components.
Cartoon - February 2009
The Green Sower says:
You have really done it now. You have released your genes into the wild and polluted my natural genetic environment. How can you be so stupid? You can't undo it. You can't put the genes back in the bottle.
Cartoon - January 2009
The Green Sower says:
You are all slaves to the corporations. They rule you. They exploit you if you work for them, they manipulate your thoughts and tastes, and they make and sell you stuff you don't need. They pay for the elections and then control the government that you voted for. That is how they get away with polluting our environment. It is time that you ended their control over you. Don't work for them and don't buy their products. Work for yourself or for small scale enterprises that produce things locally.
Cartoon - December 2008
The Green Sower says:
You meddle with nature but you don't understand it. You are like children playing with fire. When you evlove a bit more then you will grow to understand that you can't play with genes and then release them into the environment. With time you will develop wisdom and see the big picture - but you humans are not there yet.
Cartoon Archive - November 2008
The Green Sower says:
Katrina and Rita are two girls who know George W. Bush has a performance problem. The US President is resistant to implementing solutions to climate change such as the Kyoto agreement. The US is the largest producer of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for climate change - they produce about one quarter of total world emissions.
Cartoon - October 2008
The Green Sower says:
Salt is poisoning your land because you cut down the trees and over irrigated your farms you stupid people.
Cartoon - September 2008